Saturday 17 May 2014

Wood & Steel -- Kota Damansara

We met in 2008, Foundation studies in Taylors.

Back then, our main hang-out place was Pyramid, considering the short distance from our campus. Now we travel to different places to try different things :)

This time, we went to Wood & Steel at Kota Damansara.

It was a lovely 4-5hours spent with this bunch, with all of us leaving the cafe with wide smiles on our faces.

Izzuddin was super kind to help me design some flyers! :D

Bromance. Soon they are all going to look the same cause of their hairstyle

Chicken & Cheese Bruschetta

We went upstairs to another part of the cafe, and it was totally empty! 
We had the whole space to ourselves...until an hour later when more people joined..

Brian said this looks like a stock image..forgot what he said about the description though.

Group shot of the day :)

Catch Up Saturday with Joanne at THE GOOD BATCH

Spent my Saturday catching up with Joanne :)
We hardly get to meet each other these days due to our busy schedules and when one of us is free, the other is not! Oh how I miss college days, where all of us had the sameeee schedule.. So much easier to plan outings back then :)

Drove over to her apartment and pretended to be a tenant, just waved at the guards and they let me in! 

then she drove us to The Good Batch! Felt sooooo good to be driven around :)

 My Cafe Mocha

 Cafe Mocha . Hot Chocolate

 Hers! "The Ang Moh"

 and this is mine! Decided to order this cause I was attracted by the description :P

It is basically french toast + sliced mango (i love mango!) + icing sugar + nuts + gula melaka + a serving of vanilla ice cream! The french toast was fluffy and soft on the inside..oh so yummy!!

The whole combination was rather refreshing as compared to the usual brunch sets offered in the market. I think I got a little too excited from all the sugar consumption :P
one more picture simply because the food deserves it 

After brunch we headed to Sunway Pyramid to do some shopping cause I wanted to get some presents for the May babies :)

Cooling weather + Good food + Awesome company

Imma happy girl ! :D

Thursday 15 May 2014

Does it scare you enough?

All of us have our own dreams...

But, Is your dream big enough that it scares the hell out of you each time you think about it?

It's a big Y E S for me. 

I am so afraid that it might not work out.. What if I spent so much time on it, and it just fails?

What if I quit my full time job to work on something I wasn't sure about?

What if all of that just translates to ZERO?

What will I do...?

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Drama King

10 years of friendship.

Just yesterday someone told me "your network quite wide ah.."

Well I do agree that I have friends from different places, due to my participation in different organizations/societies/events etc since my primary school days.

However I do have to say that I am not close to everyone of them... there's only a handful that I'm very close to, and I guess that's better than having so many friends whom you do not know very well :)

So today is Leong Chin's 24th birthday... and Jean Nie & myself decided to celebrate with him, simple and easy =)

We contacted Michelle, who is Leong Chin's gf and she was kind enough to let us join their dinner yesterday! Jean Nie and I were the brightest...and the most noisy "lightbulbs"!

We had dinner at Setia City Mall in Setia Alam - Fullhouse Restaurant
 This is Jean Nie! 

 Birthday Boy of the Day! 
 Drama King....

 Michelle was so sweet to make a handmade card for him :') Lucky you Leong Chin!!

 The uber sweet couple :)

 Jean Nie drew an illustration of the couple on the spot itself! too cute! :)

 The focus of this picture is not JeanNie/myself.. Just look at Leong Chin's epic facial expression! :P

We had so much fun, with all of us leaving the place with tummyache due to too much laughing.. Good times like these are meant to be cherished :)

To more cheerful days ahead! 

Sunday 11 May 2014

Quick Overview on South Korea

Going to spend some time to post some pictures from my recent trip to South Korea.

We went to Busan, Jeju Island and of course, SEOUL!