Tuesday, 10 June 2014

David's Star Wars Themed 21st Birthday Party

Super late post....but I guess it's better late than never :P

Celebrated my cousin, David's 21st birthday a couple of weeks ago!

The highlight of the party was definitely THIS CAKE.

It's a Star Wars themed cake...and look at those figurines!

Jasmine (David's superamazingandawesome girlfriend) actually ordered them on eBay and put it on the cake one by one. So, on top of ordering the two tier cake, she actually made it even more awesome with all the little figurines!

Just. look. at. the. details... so so amazing!

Its been a while since the last time all of us got together..and hence, pictures session all the way! :P

Andrea playing with Daisy :)

Fireworks!! We got scared and decided not to light up the rest..hahaha

Birthday boy and his parents :)

The YAP siblings

Cousins :)

Time to spam all the pictures!~

<3 to more happy times like these!